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Opportunities with VDR 

Now Seeking Business Intern


Find out what it's like to be part of a Los Angeles Rock Band's breakthrough!  Our band is growing faster than we can keep up and we need bright, motivated people to help us keep the ship on course.


Do you have a strong interest in band management and development? 


What you will learn:


  • Navigate the music industry from the inside out,
  • How to build a localized audience
  • How to create a long term social media plan and marketing calendar.
  • The major players in the music industry, including labels, publishers, and managers, artists, producers, and engineers
  • How to create continuity between multiple online platforms (twitter, Facebook, YouTube, instagram, spotify, iTunes, Pandora and more)
  • Innovative ways to launch new music and videos and get valuable online and print press
  • How to find and book musical performances
  • You will work closely with all of the artists and be exposed to much of the creative process as well.



Responsibilities will include:


  • Graphic Design
  • Website handling
  • Booking and Scheduling
  • Promoting
  • Social Networking
  • Correspondence within all levels of the music industry


The internship will require 10-15 hours per week, beginning mid September and ending March 2014.  We perform all over town and have a large online following- you will become very familiar with the LA music scene very quickly!  We need someone sweet but very serious and committed with excellent and professional people handling.  It's hard work but the hours will flexible.  There will also be opportunities to earn extra cash each month.  At the end of the internship you will receive an in depth review and recommendation from each member of the band.  If you end up staying on with us as we merge into the mainstream, the internship would potentially lead to a paying position.


Please email a resume and letter of interest to if you're interested.


Thank you very much!


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